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Access on desktops, laptops & tablets. Mobile app coming soon!

Users : Interact with content. Generate AI derivative experiences or create, link existing ones. Immerse into content for deeper engagement & broader comprehension!

Access on desktops, laptops & tablets. Mobile app coming soon!

AI Companion for content

Creators : Booxar is now open to publish your content!  
Ready to share your story?  Contact us at, and we'll take it from there! 🌟

Transforming the content consumption experience.

Authors & Publishers

Make your content come alive. Use the power of AI to engage audience with your content. Offer immersive and contextually relevant content experiences to your audiences for deeper comprehension and broader perspectives.

Gain audience insights, generate leads, and upsell rich content experiences. Build a community of derivative creators around your content. (Coming Soon!)

Create new revenue streams. Earn royalties from derivative content experiences. Promote and sell your content using traditional and subscription models (Coming Soon!).


Find inspiration and uncover ideas from content  to create unique content experiences. Know your target audience beforehand..

Explore an integrated AI image creation model to generate images as derivative content. Also, upload and link your existing content to create immersive content experiences for your readers and fans!

Monetize your creations (Coming Soon!)

AI companion for books


Ask a question or send a message, and let the Al companion get to work! It generates context-aware, accurate, and informative responses from a corpus of relevant content data. We are using the latest LLMs and applying RAG and indexing solutions to make this possible. Embark on a fulfilling content consumption journey!


And yes, you can also view derivative content experiences created on the content.


If you don't find any, create your own!

Revolutionizing the way you consume content!

Access on desktops, laptops & tablets. Mobile app coming soon!
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